today we will speakabout the second chakra this is two inchesbelow our navel what does swadhisthan mean? ‘swa’, means me, and‘sthana’ means place which is called ‘my place’. this is the place whereyou, yourself stay. so you understand that this is themost powerful chakra in your body a person with a good swadhishthanchakra, is powerful, he knows who he is, he ismaking good relationships
and at the same time he is livingup to his complete potential. this chakra has six petals, and it is ruled by the moon. chakras are in the house, thereforewe do vastus to balance the chakras. the southwest in thehouse is the earth element. this is south south west whereyour roots lie- muladhara chakra where i stand, is theswadhisthan chakra, the water chakra, it is associatedwith semicircular shape. the metal is silver for this. if today apundit tells you to wear a silver bracelet,
it is to balance yourswadhisthan chakra. some say to carrya silver plate. these are all different ways. if someone asks you to wear pearl,it is ruled by the moon, too. so this room is made as per the chakra,and swadhisthan is orange in color. muladhar is red and swadhisthan isorange in color. it is a place where youreside, your identity. your identity is the only thingyou live by in this world.
if today you think thatthe consciousness is a sea, your identity isthe form of the sea. you are a small partin the big universe. so, you are not differentthan the universe. you are just playing a differentrole because of your identity. if the same water is keptin the jug, you drink it. if you keep in thebucket, you wash clothes. if you put in the engine,it keeps the car cool. same water, different roles.
that is identity; that is the onlymeaning of identity. and, according to that identity youhave taken on a physical body, a particular likeand a dislike or an attachment of aparticular kind of knowledge. today if your identity is like asinger, you will be like that. you will be born in that kind of a family,you will be artistic in everything. if your identity is of that of an engineer,to do something big in this world, you’ll be born in that family,you will be exposed to
technology and these technologicalthings will only attract you. so the focal pointis the identity. once the focal is made the identity,body comes according to it, mind comes according to it and your tastes-likesand dislikes also come according to it. but what happens whenyou go through life? when you face different challenges,and come across problems, you start doubting your identity, and this chakra loses balance. you start doubting yourself and thinkthat there is a lack in your identity.
may be there is lack in identity. you start doubting yourself. this doubt imbalancesthe swadhisthan chakra. how will you know thatyour chakra is imbalanced? does your lower back ache? does it become stiff? do you have body pains? do you feel muscular painswhen you get up in the morning? do you have digestion issueslike gas and constipation?
do you have kidney,bladder or sexual issues? if yes, they’re all relatedto swadhisthan chakra. does your mind haveunknown fears? do you feel someone wouldcome and attack you? do you fear black magic? do you think that people takeadvantage of you and vanish? people take advantage of you. do you think you can't do anythingif people take advantage of you? understand.
if you are suffering through any of this,your swadhisthan chakra is blocked. if you are having trouble finding yourlife partner or bearing children, your swadhisthanachakra is blocked. today, if you are havingproblem having children if you have any of these symptoms, knowthat there is an imbalance in this chakra. this is your identity and only through thischakra, you attract perfect unions in life. today, whoever you meet, isbecause of swadhisthan chakra. everybody associatesthrough this identity. if you see the animal kingdom,
a lion stays with a lion; cow stays with a cow,rat stays with a rat. have you seen a ratand a cow be friends? have you seen a horseand a goat be friends? no. so similar animals onlycommunicate with each other. understand, if you don’tknow your identity, imagine you being an animal whodoesn’t know who it is. who will it be friends with?
if it goes to a lion, it’ll eat it up, ifit goes to a rat, the rat would run away. he is surprised, why arepeople not accepting me? why are people behavingthis way, rejecting me? he will feel rejected ifmice goes towards goat. he will feel scaredif he goes to lion. naturally, until he realizes who heis, he will not go to the right place and not mix withthe right people. that is identity. if you think you’re not ableto make good relationships,
i am not meeting the rightkind of people in my life, the problem is not the people. theproblem is you don't know who you are. if you don't know who you are. how can you make therelationships? all the time you are changingyourself as per people. if your identity is lost, you forget who you are or youdon't realise who you are; so what happens? you try to take your identitywhich you feel people will like.
you will try andbehave as per people. you will try to make them happy. so that they are happy with you. today, if you areconstantly changing, you don't know whatyou want in life. when this chakra opens, youknow your life purpose. because your identity isnothing but your life purpose. today, if you are confused,what should i do? where should i go? because younaturally, you don’t know who you are.
we should realize that thischakra is so powerful. so strong. through this chakra, youcan attract the right job, the right career, the rightpeople in your life and the right kind of customers. today, if you are a painter and you don’tknow it and you don’t respect yourself and you don’t know youridentity completely, you will naturally sell your paintingfor a lesser price. but if you know the value of youand your painting, you will attract customers who couldeven buy it at a high price.
today, why do people like shahrukhkhan, ask for so much money? that doesn’t mean thathe is a superior actor. yes or no? there are a lot of peoplewho act really well, too. a lot of singers sing very well. how come it is few actors,few singers, few painters they reach the peak? because they know their identity.they respect their identity. because they have foundtheir full potential open.
that is why they aredemanding that kind of value. so you can say, your identitygives you value in this world. now we come to... why this chakra gets blocked? because unless you realize that yourchakra is closed and why it is closed you will not be ableto fight those demons and take them out. so let us straight cometo as to why my chakra got closed and why am iconfused as to who i am.
why am i confusedas to who i am? why am i attractingnegative people in my life? for this, we have to understandwhy my chakra is closed. there are six petalsin the chakra. every petals getsclosed by one reason. so understand why do you think i ask you why do youthink your identity has got lost. now understand one reason is yes. so, today, if you do not liveup to your own expectations,
you expected somethingout of yourself, that i will get good marks, or iwill play a good game. you expected somethingout of yourself. yes, and you did not succeed when you did not matchup to your expectation. 1 time 2 times or thriceyou give up yourself. you think that there issomething wrong with you. so, one is when you don'tmeet your own expectations you think that there issomething wrong with you.
why i am not able to get goodmarks whereas he scores good marks? why i am not able to get promotionwhereas he got the promotion? that everyone can do,why can't i do that? so, one, is this. what is the second reason? second reason is... when you don’t feel that youare accepted as you are; the way you are. and specially thisswadhisthan chakra
maximum people's chakragets block in childhood. if they feel that they havenot accepted me the way i am. when the child thinks that i wasn’taccepted by my parents for who i am. always kept comparing thechild to the other kids. this is a reason for why maximumchildren have this chakra blocked. today a lot of girls and suffering frompcod and other sorts of sexual issues; all of this is because of theswadhisthan chakra blockage. because parents are not lovingthe kids for who they are. parents always ask them to do somethingparticularly and say that if you do this,
we’ll love you and so on. if the child does not do something accordingto them, they make the child feel worthless. most parents don't talk with theirchildren, if they do not score good marks. they make the childfeel worthless. so many of the people's swadhisthanchakra gets block; it gets block in childhood, because of the behavior theyperceived since childhood. if they were constantly insulted, compared withother people and rejected for who they were. now the identity is not built in a takes time.
this chakra in you islike lord krishna, and the identity is alwayskept hidden like lord krishna. we don't show the worldthat who we are because at present you are weak. when you are small and everyone comesto know that she is going to invent some kind of transport system becauseof which train and cars becomes useless. then what happens? everyone will startattacking her. understand?
today identity cannot berevealed when you are child. therefore, even krishna washidden when he was born. lord krishna was taken away. even he did not know thathe’s a king, where he grew up. he grew up with normalgopi and nand balas. he did not know who he was. but only when he grew up,got empowered, got educated, was he told that this is yourmission, purpose or identity. what do we expectfrom small child?
today if a child is an artist, you cannotforce her to study math and physics because she has aheart of an artist. she will do what she loves. today you don’t know what ishidden inside of your kid; what he is made of. you don’t know what ishidden inside of your kid. they say thatchildren are like god. but the life today hasbecome so fast paced and demanding that the parents cannoteven take their kids with 80% of marks.
parents just tell theirchildren to study. that's it. even after scoring goodmarks, he is scared. so, understand because of thispressure you lose your identity. if you are not honored andaccepted for who you are, you start feeling that i amnot right i am not correct. i should to be likemy mother wants me to be. i should to be likemy father wants me to be. this is the second reason. third,
as you grow up in life there are lots of incidentswhere you know you are faced with difficultiesin relationships. when you build upyour relationships, you are taught certain lessonsof how to make partnerships. but what happens in certain relationshipsif you feel like bitterness? you start feeling like someonehas taken advantage. i gave money to him in goodwill. he didn't return mymoney and he ran away.
you have given glorioushard years to a certain company and theyunceremoniously threw you out. or somewhere you felt that people just violated your personalspace without your permission. so what happens? you start fearing thati can't protect myself. i can't protect my boundaries. i can't protect my boundaries, because swadhisthan chakrateaches you a very big lesson.
i have given you an have gotten unique identity but you have to protect yourself. you have to protectyour identity. you have to protectyour personal space. it is your duty to protectyour personal space. but what happens is... when you meet with situations where you arenot able to defend or protect yourself, you lose confidence in yourselfand you lose your identity. the same situationoccurs in the childhood.
today, if a father isbeating his child, what can a child do? he can'ttake revenge from his father. if a child is abused orbattered in childhood, where he is notable to fight it out that thing gets stuck inhis mind when he grows up. our memories are elephantmemories and one never forgets. we have head same like elephant because elephant issomeone who never forgets. as elephant is an animal,
when a child elephant is tied up, ittries to get itself out of the shackles, twists and turns and bleeds and triesas hard and eventually gives up. after struggling very hardhe eventually gives up. now, he is grown up to ahuge several tone elephant and he cannot escapefrom that rope because he knows he can't fight. if you felt in childhood thatyou cannot defend yourself, it could be bulliesin your school it could be teachers whohave insulted just you,
you don't utter a single word havingfear of removing from school. any kind of violence or any kind of fear thati cannot defend my... my personal space willimbalance your chakra. because you will feelyou don't have any space. your identity isa boundary round. this is my boundaryand here i am. nobody can come inside. i will choose whom to bring in myenvironment, i have got the boundary.
but the time when your faithgoes out from your boundary, this chakra gets blocked. what is the solution?we have to find out the problem and we want the solution. so let's find out thesolution for this because, yes, thechakra is blocked but what is the solution andhow to come out from this? firstly, we saw initially thechakra which got blocked
was because you did not liveup to your own expectations. understand that whatdo you mean by that? you did not live up toyour own expectations. who is telling you that you did notlive up to your own expectations? who is telling youthat you're not good? who is telling youthat you’re less? who is it? understand it's your egowho is saying this. your ego and this chakra’s ego istelling you that you’re not good enough.
you are not able to liveup your own expectations. you identity is somethingthat never changes. you identity is somethingwhich remains the same. it remains constantacross all your births. what changes? what changes is your knowledge, the way of handlingyour body, mind, senses. your identity never changes. how can you doubt that identity?
you can never doubt yourself becauseyour identity never changes. it remains constant. you’re the krishna inside,how can you doubt it. yes, you can doubt your mind, bodyor your control over them, but you cannot doubtyour identity. are you understanding? indeed, you had expectationsand you couldn’t meet them because you had totrain your body.
if you wanted to study better or train yourselfin sports, you had to train your body. there are a lot ofways to do that. there are a lot of waysto do that, like exercise.. make them train better. if you did not get what you wanted,or the success in your career because you have to trainyour knowledge, you have to learn how to focus andlearn how to communicate. what will bring you to it, is identityand you doubted that very identity. you have doubted theidentity itself.
when we see the classic picture of krishna,where arjun is sitting behind, so, understand if krishna is youridentity, who is riding the cart; the one who hasheld all the ropes. so horse is your mind. carriage is your body,ropes are your senses, and arjun is your soul. and arjun is one who hascompletely not realised the soul. but your identity is krishna. krishna asks you to surrenderyourself to it and not doubt it.
if you doubt krishna itself, howcome he will catch the senses, you will become directionless. you are doubting the very electricitythat is running through your system. by doubting your identity, you are doubting the very electricitywhich is charging your system. because your identitynever changes, it remains the same. yes, your body might may; sometimes you become fat orthin or may be strong or weak,
and it is as per you. it is up to you how strongyou have to build your body. similarly, your mind andknowledge is as per you. how much knowledgedo you want to acquire? you study, trainyourself, be aware. you can even train your senses. i want to control myself. what is the thingthat i want to leave? what is good for me andwhat i want to accept?
everything can be done but thereshould be electricity inside us which is your identity. it is the very batterythat runs your life and you are doubting it. clear? so when you thought you did not live upto your expectations, it is incorrect. you should have thoughtyes, i had expectations. i did not get them. for this, now i shouldchange the way i study.
i have to change the way i work.i have to change the way i act. i don't have to change myself. i have to change otherthings about me. so self doubt goes. second where you were notaccepted the way you are, when you were constantly comparedwith others in childhood, you started feeling that thereis something less in me. what is the solution?
the answer is yes, understand,my mother had this perception, you know my familyhad this perception, people had this perceptionbut i am a unique person. the strongest lesson taught to this chakra isby the relationships closest to you-parents. today, if you accepttheir behavior, that's just because myparents wanted to me be like that. i willchange myself, no. today every successful person has fought with theentire family, they’ve stayed away from them. your identity is so powerful, to preserveit, you should know how to fight.
therefore, the toughest lessonsare learnt from the family. it teaches you through your closestpeople where it hurts the most. god teaches us wherewe get more pain. because if you are able to protectyour identity from your parents, because parents havethe strongest force, they are the ones who are providingall the comforts in your life. they are providing you fees. in spite of that, you fought, alsoyou maintained your identity. no one can shake you in the world.
so the strongest lessonyou learn is lightness. because identity is somethingthat you have to protect. you have to defend. you haveto know that i am this. for this, i am ready to fightagainst the whole world. so for this what we need to do? agreed, that my parents didnot accept me the way i was. but it doesn't mean thatthey don't love you. parents love you. in that relationship thereanger, attraction, comparison,
but love is hidden between them. that whatever they have donewith me, i have learnt something. the more they’ve suppressed, themore i’ve grown and learnt. that much things ihave learnt in my life. any questions? and what was the third one? when you thought you couldnot defend yourself, anyone could come and snatch moneyout of you or take advantage of you. you built partnerships and the persontook advantage of you of your trust.
what should one do in this? how can you protect anddefend your identity? what is the answer? today you think people takeadvantage of you and all. how will you protectand defend yourself? why can't you take revenge? why? why do people allow totake advantage of them? why do wives allowmen to be abusive? why?
dependence. one reason is dependence. somewhere you feeldependent on them. that i gotsomething from them. you are ready to hear your boss’ abuse,because he is providing you with a job. first of all, if you don'trespect your identity, the universe will not respect andyou will lose your self-esteem. if you feel you’redependent on your spouse for social, physical ormental needs, but you can't
allow one to abuse you orenter your personal space. you have all the rightsto defend yourself and you have to do it. even krishna will beon your side to do so. mahabharata took place inthe swadhishthana chakra. the five pandavas are the 5 petals.they have their qualities. yudhishthira is truth. bheema is power, youcan fight like him. there is yudhisthira,bheem, arjun
arjun is skilled, intelligent. there is nakul and sahadevwith their own qualities. these are your five qualities. and between them is draupadi; your identity. today, when you become dependent, when you follow theincorrect rules then draupadi isdisrobed in public. she was insulted.
you are made slave. i agree that it takes time. when you were immature, youngerand people took advantage of you and you were abused and your personal space was taken advantageof, what has happened has happened? what has happened, has happened. it was a lesson. the same happened with pandavs. despite of being so powerful, theycompromised on a smaller land.
but understand whenyou compromise, the strong person willbring you down and down. it's a rule of life. because that is also incorrect. how can you compromise? you will feel you shouldsit in the corner. the universe cannot allowanything which is not right. so what happenswhen you compromise? the things become bigger and biggertill you can't live or breathe.
so pandavs continued tocompromise, and what happened? and the moment whenkaurava's said... duryodhan said i will notgive a land the size of a pin. they were shocked and saidnow we have to do something. arjun supported them arjun is nothingbut your identity. krishna is just your identity. and then you merge in thekrishna consciousness. krishna is the finalidentity of yours,
where you merged intokrishna's consciousness. then krishna came. krishna came to theirrescue, defending them. you have to getback what is yours. and for that even if you have to kill yourown kin, you have to do it, doesn't matter. you have to protect your pandavaidentity of being the kings, the rulers that is their identity. today, if your identity isthat of a singer, you’ll have to fight to be oneeven from your family.
if you think you’re a writer and your familywants engineering, fight to be a writer. fight to be an actor,artist, who you are. from childhood only youget to know all lessons. you have to fightfor your identity. you cannot give reasons. understand, if your familyis encroaching your personal space, and youridentity is getting hampered, you feel you are notable to give up yourself and understand thisboundary is also a mind.
it's all in the mind. you were born alone,you will die alone. it’s always been your choice to walkout of there and start afresh. it’s always been your choice. your unions are your choice,you are not forced into it. so the limitations you’ve built, ofthe society, family is in the mind. the moment you are ready to protect yourpersonal space, everything gets okay. they improve, not necessarily, you haveto spread or you have to leave. everything gets okay ifyou change from here.
everything is happeningin the lessons of the larger context, for you,because of what you think. any other questions?any one has doubt? about protectingtheir personal space, you have to understand ifyou don't protect yourself if you don't defend yourself,nobody will come. it's not about being nice. it is about defendingwho you are. there is nothing, anythingabout dependency in the world.
there is nothing like that. today, if you feel that you are takenadvantage of, you can just leave. do whatever it takes, but understand that youshould never compromise on your identity. it's so important. the identity is so sacred. youhave to preserve it and honor it. the voice of the swadhishthanchakra is –i honor myself for the way i am, for what iam and for what i am not. i honor myself and i respect forwhat i am and for what i am not. i cannot be like everybody.
ganesha cannot dowhat saraswati can do. saraswati cannot do what laxmi can do, windcannot do what fire can do and vice versa. everybody is different,everyone is unique. everyone is similar physically,can cook, dance, sing badly but identity is uniqueand complete potential. and this chakra teaches youto respect this and you can only do that when you don’tthink about what people think. you have to protect youridentity that i am this. i accept, i respectmy identity.
for that, stop judgingyourself first. get out of your shackles. everything you do today,you have self-doubt. whose mistake was it? you have to ask every singletime, and play blame games. if anything happens, failure, disturbance,you question everything, you self-doubt. if someone is sad,whose mistake it is? every time you aredoubting yourself. you have to perish the habitof doubting yourself.
you can’t doubt yourselfbecause you cannot change. you cannot change. you have to acceptyourself the way you are. but yes... when you accept yourself, you cantrain your mind, body and senses. but you have no power to do itbecause the chakra is blocked. the person constantlyfeels chronically tired. because the battery isn’tin place, it is doubted. and when you doubt, yourawareness goes out.
if you are forgetful, youkeep your keys in your pocket and keep looking elsewhere,this chakra is imbalanced. because there is nocurrent in the body. self-doubt should go. the doubt of other people’sbehavior towards you should go. it's their own wish. you cannot ask anyoneto judge anyone. everyone is unique. everyonehas their own perception. not everyone can get goodmarks, or paint, or sing well.
not everyone is altruistic. everyone is different and so you cannot judge. ushumans are creators and animals are creations. when creator will become creatoryou will know who you are. you are a creator and thereforeyou don’t know who you are. third is that you have toprotect your identity. no one has the right to come and insultyou, or put you down or tell you anything. you cannot keep quietbecause of any dependency. you keep quiet and peoplewill become worse. if you hear one abuse, there willbe 10 others to do the same.
you cannot allow this because ofany reason, even if it is your own spouse, you cannot allow anyoneto insult you, ridicule you. otherwise you will beon the fight of wars. do you want to live withpandavas or kauravas? decide. pandavas who hadkrishna, or kauravas. you cannot allow anybody to insultyou, it could be your boss or it could be your spouse or itcould be your in laws. nobody can insult you, nobody.
just say and try itat least for once. the day you do, they willthemselves feel scared. in fact, your aura will be such that nobody willinsult you, they’ll know how to talk to you. they know. people will automatically’ll have that aura and power. nobody can break you. no one. the day you stop taking smallestof insults, improve your tone and when you ask the otherperson to do the same
it’ll automaticallyfall in place. but you have to know how to respectyourself to behave like this. today, somewhere you feel that you deserveall this, this is why you’re taking it. somewhere you feel thatyou deserve all this. you may have done wrong, butit’s a part of life, a training. you may have done wrong, but that doesn’t give anyone aright to insult your identity. irrespective of youbeing right or wrong, there are some people who come to meand say i was correct and right.
then to, people tell me i said why do you say ifyou are right, people should not say and if youare wrong they should say? irrespective of you being right orwrong, no one should say anything. how can they say it's okayif you have done an mistake? i won't repeat it again. there is a way to deal with it. you’re weak becauseyou are dependent. then you consult to otherbecause its dependency.
if you’re ever financially,mentally, socially, physically, emotionally dependent on anybody, theywill also end up taking advantage of you. so remove it. there is nothing in thisworld called dependency. everything is a partnership. everything is partnershipin this world. your wife is also a partner. your daughter is an partner.even your boss, too. even your servant anddriver are your partners.
vegetable person and trainperson are your partners. everybody is partner noranyone above me nor below. and we are partners becausewe are exchanging services. i am paying and in returnhe is giving me something. or if i give money tomy wife, she is cooking. or we both are helping in thehouse, we all are partners. when you elevate child, it will be goodif you make them your partner. it's a partner when i am providing for youfor your education everything.
you lift what all expectationsare there inside you. why don't you study bystanding on your own feet? become a partner. the day when youfeel your child is weak, how will he become strong? don't think of them as weak. the moment when you believe yourpartners, your wife will also understand. tell the wife i am your partner, whyyou have to cry in front of me? you are my partner. youhave all rights as per me.
make her partner.make everybody strong. and know that every single person isequally nourished by consciousness. god gives everyonewhat in his destiny. for both of them, motherearth is the nurturer. you could be a temporary medium. you can be temporarymedium for your child. but you have to understand thesame lord shiva is above them. the same mother earth is below them.everybody will nurture themselves. don't become dependent onanybody and don't allow
anyone to be dependent on you. what is the reason? whyyou lost your identity? one another reason why youlose your identity is because somewhere you know relationshipsstop giving you pleasure. or if relationship have causedyou lot of pain in your life, when you grew up, you often saw your motherand father fighting with each other. you didn't see thesweetness between them. this is the chakra in whichhas lots of sweetness. life seems to be very joyful.if this chakra gets open,
life looks so beautiful. you realise you don'tanything in life, you are the joy itself. the word joy itself isthere in this chakra. krishna seems to be veryhappy amongst all the gods; joyful. whether you see his jewelry or you may see him with gopi, you may see his character,
you may see his food (56 bhog) so the joy and taste andthe music of life you know only comes in swadhisthan chakra. only when your swadhisthanchakra gets balanced, you feel very joyful and lifeseems very beautiful. but today whathappens suppose, in life you have met manymany displeasing relationships. you love a woman but you didn'tget her into your life. if you already have someone buthe isn’t giving you the joys.
and you see bitterness all around, youstart hating relationships itself. you lose the taste of it andthen this chakra gets closed. because when your identitycomes into expressions, it comes when youinteract with person. when you interact with a person, but ifyou can't believe in relationships only and think that they only give you pain,and you want to be alone and secluded, you cannot enjoy life. because whatever joys that there arein life, are because of relationships. when we go out with someoneit feels different.
when we go out or share feelings. a human is made tobe social, interact. so, how to come out with feelings? how to deal with it when it gets spoiled? if things have not gonethe way you wanted, if you saw your parentsfighting with each other, and you think is this a marriage? there are so many people who can't find theirlife partners because of disharmony within.
parents worry abouttheir kids marriage. i ask how is marriage? they say we were fighting. but they tell their daughter willget a perfect life partner. but if the kid does not believe that thereexists a guy that is good and suitable for her, how can you attract thatyou don’t believe in? you can't get the thingsin which you don't believe, because you have never seen it. so, how to bring that faithin the relationships?
one is to forgiveothers and youself. what's next? do you think such person canbelieve in relationships? how can someone who has alwaysseen disharmony in relationships? many people who aregetting not married, they say i have seen no oneis happy in their life. fine, they are finding partners forthemselves but they are unable to. because they don't believe thatrelationship can be sweeter. so how can such personfind a partner?
every child hasdifferent perception. some child feels thatsometimes the fight took place. my parents are this and that. but they don't act, so every child, everyperson who said that god is in his own way. but suppose you have developed a perceptionthat relationships are not sweet. how can you allow yourown making relationship? whenever you make friendsforget about husband or spouse. when you make friends, you don'tbelieve in anything. because you feel somewhere youhave been failed in relationship.
so you are not believingin relationships. what can you do about it? but relationshipis very important. why do you want relationshipin your life, tell me? can you live withoutrelationship? and why do you wantrelationship in your life? answer me. yes one is yes, relationship definitelygives you happiness and joy.
but why else do wewant relationships? actually, in a lifeeverything is a relationship. today the company where you workwithout relationship, you won't get job. nor you will get boss,colleagues, seniors, juniors and nor you willget the customers. today if you don't believe inrelationship, you won't get a job. for everything, you needrelationship for everything. for getting job, for gettingcustomers for your product, for getting customersfor your service,
for having friends in life, to share things, to get knowledge. without sharing anything, howcome we will get knowledge? we have different typesof friends in our life. some friends, you thinkof doing enjoyment. come on, let's go here and there. we make our brainstrom with somefriends, discussing about careers and all. some friends are spiritual with whom we discuss thati have done this and that.
some are physical and some mental. physical means anytimeyou want them, that give your car asi don't have my own. they physically help you. you come with me andplease complete my work. some are physical,some mental sharing. some are like sensory sharing,like let's share pleasure. some friends are spiritual. we do need friends in our life.
we cannot livewithout relationship. so today, if you findyourself alone in this world, and somehow thesweetness has gone away and the only wayto come out is you have to only surrender. definitely, they were not so sweetrelationships around you definitely there has beennon incidents around you. when you surrender totally, therewill be some wisdom inside you,
that yes, i do surrender, ido trust, i do believe. that i can getgood relationships. i surrender, i trust the same thing cannot happen withme, which happened with other. the only way you can come out, youcannot change what has happened, but you can trust,you can surrender. i surrender. i believe andthis heart chakra has to be open. and the last reason whythis chakra gets blocked is because of unknown fears.
today, if there areunknown fears inside you, unknown means you see anykind of severe violence, or any incidents because of which youcannot take any decisions. such incidents took place and you can't makeany sense of it. when you love thoseunknown fears of being may be attackedor being violated anything which is not in yourcontrol and the chakra gets blocked. because understand your identitywhen will it flower?
when you feel very safe; when you feel very secured; camly, you are listening to me. if you suddenly come to know you allhave been surrounded from all sides, your attention will divertedoutside all the time. because of fears you areall the time outside. but only when you feel safeand secure you are inside. love is the opposite of fear. when you feel lovedor you feel secured.
only then you aretotally inside. but when you feel fearyou will attack, you feel i will lose something. somebody will do something forme, i will lose my stability. something will happen to me withoutmy knowing or without my control. so what happens you leaveyour identity and you go out? so if you have unknown fearsand it can by any reasons, it could be because of violence. even in the family,if there is violence
lots of violence in the house, then, too, there is lotsof negativity inside you. and fears can bethrough this negativity. suppose you were betrayed,cheated, violated and you see negativity in life and slowly slowly yousee unknown fears and you name them as black magic. today there are many familieswho believes in black magic. but if you see them, they all arefighting with each other.
everybody is fightingwith each other. love doesn't exist in their family but what they do they collecttogether and say black magic and they blame the devil. but the actual reason is because ofnegativity among themselves only. someone who doesn't have job, this andthat, the one who is unmarried, when so much of negativitygets fill inside you. so together it becomes an unknownfear and imbalances your identity. but when your identity is gone,
when you don't have identity,you align with the devil. then you see the dark energies because everything existseven lights and darkness. when god exists,then evil too exists. when goodness existsthen evil also exists. so the solution is just totake out the negativity; just to take out the bitterness. only when you dispellthe clouds of negativity, only then these kindof fears can go away.
and you can be settledin your identity. this chakra whichis your creator in swadhisthan chakra, you areable to create a child; when you're able to givebirth to a child. so for you to create a job or multidollar business, is very easy and you can create a life. but only when thischakra is fully opened. when it is fully opened,you feel totally safe. you feel secured and feel respected.
you feel honoured andyou honour yourself. then only youridentity gets open and the identity flowers.
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